Top VRAM Compatible GGUF and EXL2 Models from Hugging Face

Optional, Finds the VRAM for you

Please be patient while loading, this checks the top downloaded models for both GGUF and EXL2 and then runs calculations to see if it's compatible with your VRAM amount. It can take some time. The VRAM calculations are estimates based on best known values, VRAM usage can change depending on Quant Size, Batch Size, KV Cache, BPW and other hardware specific metrics. These are only estimates and come with no warranty or guarantees.

EXL2 Models

4.5 8 bit
Model Author/Name Model Type Likes Downloads Model URL Total VRAM (GB)

GGUF Models

Q4_K_S 512
Model Author/Name Model Type Likes Downloads Model URL Total VRAM (GB)

Inspired by NyxKrage - LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator

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