SillyTavern Tutorials / User Interface / Themes

How to Install SillyTavern Themes and CSS

The tutorial below is a step by step guide to install SillyTavern Themes and custom CSS.

How to Install SillyTavern Themes

Steps to Install a SillyTavern theme. (30 Second Video Tutorial)

  1. Download the theme (unzip the folder if it's a zip file)
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to: "\SillyTavern\public\themes"
  3. Move the .json file to the folder
  4. Open SillyTavern, go to User Settings, select the theme from the UI Themes dropdown
  5. Done!
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How to Install SillyTavern CSS

Steps to Install a SillyTavern CSS. (40 Second Video Tutorial)

  1. Download the CSS theme (unzip the folder if it's a zip file)
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to: "\SillyTavern\public\css"
  3. Rename the downloaded .CSS file to user.css if it is not already
  4. If you want to save the previous CSS theme, rename the original user.css in
  5. Move the user.css file to the folder
  6. Launch SillyTavern and the CSS should be active
  7. Done!

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